Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday Kyra Addison Hebron...

Happy 12th Birthday Kyra Addison Hebron

Born: November 17th, 1998, on a Tuesday at 3:13 p.m., in South Bend IN!
8 pounds 4 ounces
20 1/2 inches
Brown hair, Slate Blue eyes (no more)
I put in her baby book that she resembles Chris --- but that isn't the case anymore, she is the only one that truly looks like I gave birth too!

She was our first child... the love of our lives and still is to this day.  She truly amazes me daily in all of her accomplishments, her drawing, her poems (she wrote Environment).  If you can't find her she is most likely reading...something she gets from both of her grandpa's (although I am pretty sure they haven't read the Harry Potter series once - let alone 4 or 5 times)!  She has been on the honor roll since they started handing them out in 3rd grade (a gift from her daddy). 
Now she is the 6th grade at a special academy still surprising me...and of course still being like a 12 year old should be and drive me crazy (my mom warned me I would get paid back for all that I did to her)... but we thank God every day for November 17th, the day our lives changed forever!

Kyra we are so proud of you and wish that all of your dreams come true!


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