Monday, May 24, 2010

Grass Fed....proof!

The other day I was out taking pictures and I couldn't resist these... they say it all!

Richard and his family raise these beautiful cows - Scotch Highland -- grass fed, no chemicals or hormones given to these animals!  When we get out of the car and yell MOOOO they come up to the edge of the field!

I will get some pictures of Jones - he is getting bigger and now barks at us... another demanding child in our house!

Have a great day!



  1. The cows look great. I'm wondering why Scotch Highlands. What are the considerations for choosing a breed to raise?

  2. Laura,

    Scotch Highlands have long hair that keeps back fat off, and the meat has lower colersteral and comparable to buffalo meat. They are especially good browsers (grazers) and slower growing cows. My brother in law Richard has been raising them for over two decades and did a lot of research.

    Hope this helps.

