Saturday March 6th 7:00 pm-- Fresh! New Thinking about what we're Eating (I could watch this movie over and represents everything we feel as farmers)
First Unitarian Church
101 East North Shore Dr.
South Bend, IN 46617
Film web site:
Location web site:
Please share the information with your friends and family... you will meet people like you who care to make a difference in their family and community.
(Thank you for Jessica Clark, a member of Purple Porch Coop member for making the graphic and her hubby Tim Bayer for organizing the movies)
It is being put on by the Coop we sell at on Wednesdays....we (Family Farms Coop) are hosting the one at Little Flower Church. Come have great conversations with great people.
Enjoy the warm is nice and muddy at the farm....perfect for our PIGS and kids!
Michelle, I'm so mad I missed Fresh!! I really wanted to see it. Let me know if you do it again! Have you seen Food Inc.??