Everyday we celebrate this man in our house...but today was the day he came into this world, many years ago!
We walked for breast cancer in honor of his mom Carol!
Teaches our children that faith is important!
Last minute camping trip...he is the cook in the house!
He has taught our kids to compete for themselves...
Takes us blueberry picking...and Jorja still talks about wanting to go back!
He takes us on last minute field trips to pick up 300 turkeys...but makes them fun by staying in hotels and touring around towns!
Makes sure there is time for fun...for the kids and himself!
After a big loss in January (barn fire) on the farm he taught our kids we need to pick up the pieces and rebuild...he was very sensitive and sad at all of our loss -- especially for the kids!
Works day and night on the farm to allow for me to stay home with the kids!
Is just a great big kid on the inside!
Has a soft side...
Is our kids biggest cheerleader...just not as loud as mom!
Surprises us with day trips to remind us what is important...Family!
He works hard for our family...teaching the importance of work and play.
We love you and thank God everyday that you are our Papa, husband and best friend!
Happy Birthday Christopher Aaron!
Michelle and Kyra, Jackson, Cyrus and Jorja May